
Breaking the Irony: Healthcare Professionals, Sports, and Fitness – Let’s Get Real!

September 7, 2024

Ah yes, sports and fitness… again?! I know, it’s the last thing many of us healthcare professionals want to talk about. We’re busy saving lives, managing stress, and battling the daily grind. But this topic just too important to ignore. So, let’s dive in.

Seriously though, how many of us, despite knowing the undeniable benefits, consistently engage in sports or fitness activities? The key word here is consistent. Yes, we tell our patients to “exercise regularly” but, let’s be honest, how many of us actually practice what we preach? Personally, I’ve struggled with this myself, and I know I’m not alone. Even athletes—those fitness gods—have their ups and downs. But unlike them, sports and fitness are not our profession.

For us mortals—busy, overworked healthcare professionals—finding time and energy for fitness feels like climbing a mountain. But here’s the kicker: we, of all people, should be leading by example. Yet, many of us are trapped in a cycle of inconsistency, letting our mental and physical health slip.

The Moment of Realization

I had my wake-up call just six months ago when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. There I was, staring at a pot-bellied version of myself, wondering how long before my clothes would burst at the seams. The weighing scale wasn’t kind either. Then, I noticed a colleague stacking up maintenance meds like they were vitamins—some even taking five different pills a day. It made me wonder: am I the odd one out for not being on medication yet?

To add salt to the wound, my patient went to someone else for weight loss advice after consulting me. Ouch. That was the final push I needed to realize that something had to change.

Let’s Skip the Basics and Get Real

We already know the benefits of physical activity—let’s not waste time repeating them. The real conversation we need to have is about the barriers. Why aren’t we, as healthcare professionals, engaging in consistent sports and fitness activities? What’s holding us back, and more importantly, how can we overcome these barriers?

This Saturday at 9PM Manila time, during our #HealthXPH Twitter/X chat, we’ll tackle these questions head-on.

T1: What are the common barriers for healthcare professionals to consistently engage in sports and fitness activities?

T2: What is your compelling motivation to consistently engage in sports and fitness activities? And if you’re not into fitness yet, what could motivate you?

T3: What tips or strategies have helped you stay consistent with sports and fitness?

I won’t give away my thoughts just yet. I want to hear from all of you—your experiences, your struggles, and your solutions. Afterward, I’ll follow up with a post summing up the best advice and tips from our collective wisdom.

In the meantime, start warming up! Get those fingers ready to tweet and, more importantly, stretch those hands and bodies before and after our hour-long chat. See you Saturday at #HealthXPH, and let’s move towards better health together!

P.S. If you’re already feeling inspired (or guilty, like I was), why not take a few minutes to schedule that long-overdue workout? You deserve it—your patients, your family, and most importantly, your future self will thank you.

Image by freepik

Disclosure: This post was edited with the help of a writing AI.

Remo Aguilar

Hi, I'm Dr. Remo Aguilar! I am an orthopedic surgeon, healthcare administrator and educator. My writing and speaking interest is in the intersection of healthcare, technology and education.I use all these learning to positively change people lives.

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