An Electronic Health Record for Philippine healthcare system

May 3, 2008
1 min read
screen shot of FFEHR, an EHR for Philippine health care (photo taken from FFEHR project site)

Long overdue and much awaited, an Electronic Health Record or EHR has been released for the Philippine healthcare system. Quoting DabawGNU, the co-developer of this EHR,

The first beta release of FFEHR, an electronic health record application commissioned by the ASEAN+3 node of the International Open Source Network (IOSN), was released to the public last April 28, 2008. This release comes six months after the University of the Philippines Manila-National Telehealth Center tasked free/open source software (F/OSS) programmer Nathaniel Jayme and Davao-based F/OSS organization DabaweGNU, Inc. to jointly develop FFEHR. This release marks an important milestone as the project now opens its doors for public review.

Basically just a first step towards implementing a well designed and stable EHR for our healthcare, it will definitely fuel an onslaught of interest from the so many healthcare professionals who have wanted a robust, scalable and free EHR.

Details of this said project can be read here in FFEHR website or the DabawGNU site. A beta version for linux and windows can be downloaded here.

Remo Aguilar

Hi, I'm Dr. Remo Aguilar! I am an orthopedic surgeon, healthcare administrator and educator. My writing and speaking interest is in the intersection of healthcare, technology and education.I use all these learning to positively change people lives.

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