Healthcare insights
Today: May 06, 2024

Metrics Matrix: Measuring social media success in healthcare

1 min read

In the last Global Forum where the #HealthXPh had a session on “Reshaping Healthcare Through Social Media” the audience were keen on knowing the “metrics’ for social media success in healthcare.

The scientific community honed us to develop the habit of formulating research strategy and validation tools to measure outcomes. Social media despite being a relatively newcomer to healthcare, should not be an exception. There should be a way of measuring social media’s  impact to healthcare or we lose valuable insights into how it played a role in shaping healthcare.

After the forum I realized majority of the scientist in healthcare (from the forum at least) acknowledge social media ‘s role in shaping healthcare. The big and challenging question now  is, how?

After reading about social media metrics in healthcare, there’s two things I learned.

First,  social media “success” is a result of a carefully planned and executed social media strategy. Second, there seem to be no clear agreement on how to go about”measuring” social media success. Thus, we ask our healthcare social media colleagues their insights into the metrics matrix for success in social media healthcare.

Join us this Saturday September 11, 2015 (PM Manila time as we discuss the metrics of healthcare social media

We’ve been saying healthcare should take advantage of social media tools to effect change. Healthcare needed some sort of a strategy complemented with a well thought out but practical implementation design. Or we’re just “riding the tides” of social media popularity and lose valuable healthcare insights.

T1: Do you have a social media strategy for your personal practice, healthcare institution or organization?

“Listening – or social media monitoring – involves searching for online conversations about your brand or industry using key words and phrases.” – radian6

Listening, monitoring and measuring are all part of an effective  healthcare social media strategy. Social scientist have been developing methods to do this, like network analysis (SNA) and NodeXL.

T2: To which part of healthcare do you “tune in” your social media monitoring?  Brand? The healthcare industry in general or your competition?

“Engagement is the Holy Grail of a listening and monitoring program. Engagement means gaining and holding the attention of consumers and prospects through regular healthcare-to-community interactions” – radian6

T3: To which healthcare stakeholder do you engage the most in social media? Patients? Colleagues? Institutions?Which do you think is most important?

As a conclusion, please comment on the validity of social media metrics in healthcare.  Social media is reshaping healthcare. Knowing what or how to measure success (or failure) gives the healthcare stakeholders valuable tools to take charge of health.

Remo Aguilar

Hi, I'm Dr. Remo Aguilar! I am an orthopedic surgeon, healthcare administrator and educator. My writing and speaking interest is in the intersection of healthcare, technology and education.I use all these learning to positively change people lives.

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