Healthcare insights
Today: May 02, 2024

COVID-19 : What we have either amazingly gotten right, ridiculously predicted wrong or mind bogglingly don’t understand, so far..

2 mins read

Early this year, out of necessity or this human propensity to “predict” the unknowns, I unceremoniously made some bold predictions about COVID-19 and this pandemic. Some of these unsolicited predictions seem logical, based on our previous historical experience with pandemics. I used quite a number of these “modelling” predictions, to help run a COVID-19 Management team. Many of the “other predictions” I made were now, seemingly immaterial and ridiculous. Part of the “bargaining” and grieving stage for a life that was disrupted by an underrated “flu like” disease. As a disclaimer, I made these ridiculous predictions jokingly, to cope with the stress of living a life in a bubble that is constantly threatened by COVID 19.

  • T1. What COVID-19 predictions you’ve gotten right so far?

There were things, behaviour or events we’ve sort of “predicted” would happen- the frontliners, medical workers and public fatigue, mental health issues and an ailing health system that really needed a “fix” right even before COVID. We’ve also predicted we can decode SARS COV2 and develop vaccine against it in time. There were health protocols that worked- handwashing, PPEs, social distancing and to some extents the lockdowns- whatever Qs there was implemented and followed. Then, there were predictions I made that are flat out wrong.

  • T2. What COVID-19 predictions you’ve ridiculously gotten wrong so far?

I boldly predicted that this pandemic will end up in three months, dismissing it as a flu or exotic colds that will pass away in no time. I was excited the lockdowns would be lifted soon and we are all back to our normal way of life- particularly travel. Eight months into this pandemic and we’re even sure if there’s an end on sight. Even the expert Dr. Fauci earlier this year dismissed the risks of COVID-19 cases and mortality increasing in the US. That statement didn’t last even a month and Dr. Fauci made a swift 180 degrees turn and urge everyone, including the president, to take COVID-19 seriously. Who would have thought US will be a clear winner for highest mortality rates and cases of COVID-19, so far?

Oh, the record breaking vaccine development and lab to mass production speed is on a grand prix level. I mean eight months? That’s warp speed in vaccine development.

  • T3. What about COVID-19 you badly needed to understand but still mind bogglingly don’t, so far?

In the Philippines, we were still waiting for the peak of this pandemic’s first wave. Yet, there were “other waves” that peaked and fell off right in our eyes and ripped us off our senses. Tiktok? Meme? Food craze? Plants? and the zoom storm! I never had the slightest idea how these waves came and stayed that long!Or did these craze flattened? Around the curve?

I am still baffled of this pandemic effect on our social fabric, culture, way we travel and do business. Technically, I’m still at lost, on how do we do things or recover when this pandemic finally ends. Do you?

This will be the topic of the #HealthXPh chat today Saturday December 12, 2020 9PM Manila time. Here our the guide questions:

  • T1. What COVID-19 predictions you’ve gotten right so far?
  • T2. What COVID-19 predictions you’ve ridiculously gotten wrong so far?
  • T3. What about COVID-19 you badly needed to understand but still mind bogglingly don’t, so far?

Join us as we share our predictions and experiences- scientific and otherwise, about COVID 19 as we are about to close the year twenty twenty.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Remo Aguilar

Hi, I'm Dr. Remo Aguilar! I am an orthopedic surgeon, healthcare administrator and educator. My writing and speaking interest is in the intersection of healthcare, technology and education.I use all these learning to positively change people lives.

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