Healthcare insights
Today: May 08, 2024

I "heart" the Philippines: The reason I’m staying…

2 mins read

Loving the Philippines is not exactly the most popular addiction nowadays. The myriad of reasons (financial gains tops these reasons) for us to “pack up our things” and go somewhere else is all too alluring.

Hearting” the Philippines (as Doc Ian would aptly term it), is a costly fling I should say-one that is volatile and daunting. And for some ironic reasons, I grew to love My Philippines despite the countless setbacks I have and will endure. Here is the “why“.

I heart the Pinoy.
Okay, screw the corrupt, scoundrels, bigots, trapos, charlatans and the wicked. I’ll happily kick their butt to the scorn pit and the ass burners. There are countless other people however who overwhelmingly overshadow the rotten traits of these kibitzers and traitors. Joy, Russ, my family and the good people I learn from and serve.

Russ my fair boy…

Joy of my heart..
A family that stays together…

Some of the people I served…

I am forever bound to them, and not even any monetary promise (unless that monetary renumeration is enough to save the whole Pinas) will separate me from their love and service. I hold them dear. And they are here in My Philippines.

I love the place
You see, whenever I get tired or bored from the so many bad news around, I go hopping places inside my Philippines on backpack and wits.

Marvel at the ingenuity and diligence of our Ifugao brothers when all seems hard enough in life…
Climbing mountains to get close to heaven…

Frolic in the beach after a weeks hard work…

Find a cool soothing underground river whenever you feel lost…

Kid around with friends on some hidden paradise..

Or simply jump below some crater lake for the heck of it…

Awed by the beauty that I long so ago overlooked, I am astounded as well by the rich flora and fauna that littered the archipelagic
Pinas. And I can travel incessantly without having to dig deep into my pockets.

Simplicity is a way of life
I have grown accustomed to the way of life here in my place.

No matter how disadvantageous some of our traits will be, I still don’t think it decayed the unique hospitable and magnanimous qualities of us Pinoys. If you go to the country side, you will see the simplicity, the resilience, the hope and the enduring attitude of Pinoys that survive waves of colonization.

We have a rich culture and history
So rich and so diverse, I still haven’t understood half of it.

I am however fascinated by its evolution and of its unfolding. Leaving, means being not part of this history unfolding. That is something I am not ready to let go, yet.

The cut for living
If I had a choice where to be poor, I’d still choose to be poor in my Philippines.

I don’t know but whenever I go hungry, there’s always anybody who would willingly share a bread for me to eat. Yes, I don’t have a penny in my pocket, but some people don’t just bother to ask for a dime when they help you. And that’s why Id say it’s a lot better to be poor in this land than anywhere else.

I want my future family to be “homegrown”
There is no better place to grow and nurture a Pinoy family than ‘Pinas itself.

That in a nut shell, is more than enough reason for me to “heart” Philippines.

Remo Aguilar

Hi, I'm Dr. Remo Aguilar! I am an orthopedic surgeon, healthcare administrator and educator. My writing and speaking interest is in the intersection of healthcare, technology and education.I use all these learning to positively change people lives.

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