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Today: Apr 27, 2024

Why am I stuck with writing?Or blogging?: The Blog Rounds Season 2 starts!

1 min read
I'm stuck writing!(Photo from this site

Why are you pounding those keyboards on your computer to journal your thoughts , experiences and maybe, your wisdom? Are you stuck?

With the explosion of other more convenient and uber popular social medium like facebook or twitter, it’s common nowadays that I get annoying questions like “You still blog? Why not just shout it out in facebook or twitter?”

Yeah, I’m beginning to ask myself this: Am I stuck with writing?or blogging? Are we a dying breed? Or more importantly, why are we (still) writing or blogging instead of hanging out with facebook or twitter?

Those questions I will throw to you all my fellow doc bloggers for the first ever blog rounds second edition! I’m hosting it too here at The Orthopedic Logbook. This is my call for articles. I’m sure many of you have one reason or many, personal or commercial, emotional or political to stay on writing this thing we do. I’m sure would be very interested.

Again read the rules of engagement for the blog rounds here.

Invited docs are listed here in my links. I’m adding a few others and I’ll tag you by FB (Blog Rounds closed group) or twitter with hastag #blogrounds2

Deadline: Maybe Sunday May 15, 2011 at around 12 noon? Just give me a link to your post, by commenting below, as soon as you can. I’ll do the rest as the HOST.

Well, lets just say I miss the blog rounds. Are you all game???

Remo Aguilar

Hi, I'm Dr. Remo Aguilar! I am an orthopedic surgeon, healthcare administrator and educator. My writing and speaking interest is in the intersection of healthcare, technology and education.I use all these learning to positively change people lives.


  1. Still blogging (though very sporadically), and I want to join. Think maybe you can extend the deadline? Blogger's gone haywire this past few days, and it's still down as I type this.

  2. I placed my link in the blog round facebook group and if you click my name, it will lead you to my blog post for this edition of Blog Rounds. Thanks for inviting me.

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